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Physician Assistant

The Physician Assistant program prepares graduates to provide diagnostic and therapeutic medical services under physician supervision. Physician assistants provide high-quality, cost-effective healthcare while maintaining patient satisfaction. Students collaborate with other master’s and doctoral students to gain skills necessary for future practice.

studnet doctor using a stethoscope on a patient to hear their heartbeat

Why Choose the Physician Assistant Program at Radford?

  • You’ll be part of a well-prepared class of 42 students—typically selected from about 600 applicants.
  • We have a nationally diverse class with students enrolling from Virginia, the surrounding region, and the rest of the United States.
  • You’ll be enrolling in classes with a broad range of professional experiences, including emergency medical technician (EMT), certified nursing assistant (CNA), ED Scribe, medical assistant, physical therapy assistant, military medic, mental health counselor, radiology technician, respiratory therapist, and others.
  •  We have an active Physical Assistant Student Society.

Learn more about the Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Program Mission and Goals

The mission of the Radford University Physician Assistant Program is to graduate ethical, competent, and compassionate PAs who are well versed in the art and science of medicine and are prepared to effectively function as members of the interprofessional healthcare team.


  1. Recruit and enroll students from diverse backgrounds who demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to the healthcare profession.
  2. Provide a positive, inclusive, and equitable learning environment that fosters the retention and success of a diverse student population. 
  3. Provide a strong foundation of medical knowledge, clinical skills, and ethical and professional behaviors that will meet the needs of a practicing PA.
  4. Prepare students to provide patient centered, evidence-based medical care.

View the program's assessment of goal achievement.

Program Characteristics

  • A well-prepared class of 42 students typically selected from nearly 1,000 applicants
  • A nationally diverse class with students enrolling from Virginia and the surrounding region, as well as the rest of the United States.
  • An average age of 26 with a range of 21 to over 40 years of age.
  • An enrolling class with a broad range of professional experiences, including, emergency medical technician (EMT), certified nursing assistant (CNA), ED Scribe, medical assistant, physical therapy assistant, military medic, mental health counselor, radiology technician, respiratory therapist and others.
  • An active PA Student Society

For complete information on admission to the Physician Assistant Program at Radford University, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.


At its 2023 March meeting, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) placed the Radford University Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Radford University on Accreditation-Probation status until its next review in 2025 March.  

Probation accreditation is a temporary accreditation status initially of not less than two years. However, that period may be extended by the ARC-PA for up to an additional two years if the ARC-PA finds that the program is making substantial progress toward meeting all applicable standards but requires additional time to come into full compliance. Probation accreditation status is granted, at the sole discretion of the ARC-PA, when a program holding an accreditation status of Accreditation - Provisional or Accreditation - Continued does not, in the judgment of the ARC-PA, meet the Standards or when the capability of the program to provide an acceptable educational experience for its students is threatened.  

Once placed on probation, a program that fails to comply with accreditation requirements in a timely manner, as specified by the ARC-PA, may be scheduled for a focused site visit and is subject to having its accreditation withdrawn.  

Specific questions regarding the Program and its plans should be directed to the Program Director and/or the appropriate institutional official(s).  

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at

PA accreditation report



Graduated Classes


Class of 2022

Class of 2023

Class of 2024

Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA)




Entering class size








* Attrition rate




**Graduation rate




*Attrition rate calculation:  Number of students who attritted from cohort divided by the entering class size.

**Graduation rate:  Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.


FAQs for Accreditation of the Radford University PA Program

  1. What is the ARC-PA?
    ARC-PA is the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant. It is the accrediting body for all PA programs in the United States that defines the standards with which PA programs must be compliant to become and remain accredited.
  2. What does Accreditation-Probation mean?
    A PA program with the designation of Accreditation-Probation is still fully accredited. This designation is a temporary accreditation status initially of not less than two years.
  3. Will the PA program curriculum or clinical experiences change?
    No. The curricular content and clinical experience requirements will not significantly change except in areas which the faculty are able to improve or expand the curricular offerings that lend to student success.
  4. Will the PA program still accept applications for enrollment in future classes?
    Yes. The PA program will continue to accept applications for enrollment while designated with the Accreditation-Probation status.
  5. Will I be qualified to take the PANCE?
    Yes. The PA program is fully accredited. You will be qualified to take the PANCE upon successful completion of the program.
  6. Will the Accreditation-Probation status affect my ability to become licensed for practice upon graduation and successful completion of the PANCE?
    No. Licensure typically requires graduation from an accredited PA Program and certification by the NCCPA. The program is fully accredited, therefore, there should be no negative effects on your ability to be licensed.
  7. What are the citations that led to the Radford PA program designation as Accreditation-Probation status?
    The program’s accreditation history can be accessed at  The specific citations will also be available at this link.
  8. What are you doing to address the citations?
    A1.01: All programmatic affiliation agreements have been updated to specify affiliation with the Radford University PA Program specifically, or the agreements have been terminated.

    A1.07 and A2.03: Radford University has approved additional hiring of a full-time faculty member and adjuncts to support the curricular and administrative needs of the faculty, staff, and students.

    A1.11: The goals of the program have been revised to include a goal specific to diversity, equity, and inclusion.  The program faculty are working with the institution to incorporate recruitment and retention strategies, such as the development of a departmental DEI committee composed of a faculty member, staff member, alumnus, and two students.  A DEI tab has been added to the program’s web page.  This tab includes information about the current students, the DEI committee, and resources and events available to students at the university and locally to meet their needs and foster an inclusive community.

    A2.16 and B3.06: The PA program has adjusted its procedures for verification and documentation of valid, active licensure and board certification for practice in a specified clinical setting.

    A3.12: The PA program faculty have reviewed and revised the programmatic goals to include the measures and benchmarks to assess goal achievement.  This new information is current and available on the PA program website under Mission and Goals.

    B1.03, B3.03, B4.01: The PA program faculty are in the process of updating all clinical rotation course syllabi to ensure all learning outcomes and instructional objectives are clear and measurable.  The preceptor evaluation tool is also being revised to clearly align with the assessment of the achievement of learning outcomes and instructional objectives.  The anticipated completion date for revisions is August 2023.  The updates, revisions, and alignments will allow the faculty members to more easily identify and address student deficiencies in a timely manner.

    C1.02: The PA program is utilizing a new form for data review and analysis.  This form provides an outline to ensure full analysis of all data to clearly determine programmatic strengths, modification requirements, and areas in need of improvement.

    C2.01: The forms used to document clinical rotation sites have been updated to clearly identify the physical facilities of the site and patient populations served in order to ensure the learning outcomes and instructional objectives for a clinical rotation can be met at each site.
  9. Is there concern that the PA program will not be able to satisfy the cited standards in the future?
    The Radford University PA program and the university is fully committed to providing the required support to ensure we satisfy the standards that require further attention.  The PA program and University administration feel confident that the measures already taken and our continued efforts for improvement will meet and/or exceed the requirements expected by the ARC-PA.
  10. What is the timeframe for re-evaluation of the Radford University PA program?
    The Radford University PA program is required to submit reports in October 2023 and May 2024.  Our program will be reassessed by site visitors prior to the March 2025 ARC-PA Commission meeting.  A decision on the Accreditation status of the program will be made at this March 2025 meeting.  The program will likely not have results of the meeting until April 2025.

Estimated Costs

Billing Procedure

Each student will receive an invoice of charges for each semester or summer session:

  • Payment of University expenses is the responsibility of the student. All charges are due on the date stated on the invoice for returning students. All tuition, fees and residence hall charges must be paid prior to class attendance.
  • The student must clear his or her account by the due date stated on the invoice in order to maintain valid registration. 
  • Students receiving financial aid will receive an award letter from the Office of Financial Aid. If charges exceed the financial aid award, payment is expected prior to the due date stated on the invoice. If the financial aid award exceeds the charges, the student will receive a refund for the excess amount.

PA Program In-State Estimated Expenses


Year 1

August 2024

July 2025

Year 2

August 2025 -

July 2026

Year 3

August 2026

December 2026

Total Tuition

Tuition (In-State)






Deposit and Background Check





Books, Medical Equipment & Supplies, Laptop Computer & Printer









BLS/ACLS Certification










EOR Exams





EOC Exam










Professional Dues





Transportation (Auto Expenses, Class Travel)









Housing and Utilities










Misc. and Personal (Health Ins., clothing, other)









Total of Highlighted Expenses





Total Estimated Expenses & Tuition






Tuition Formula  
Semester 1: (18) $14,682.00 Semester 5: (16) $13,274.00*
Semester 2: (19) $15,386.00 Semester 6: (10) $8,720*
Semester 3: (12) $10,458.00 Semester 7: (10) $8,720*
Semester 4: (16) $13,274.00*  

*Based on 2024-2025 In-State Tuition Rates. This amount is subject to change.
**Students are REQUIRED to join AAPA and VAPA as student members.

Please Note: The Didactic Phase (Classroom) starts in August and goes into the second Academic Year and ends in October of the following year. The Clinical Phase (Rotations) begins in November of the second Academic Year and ends in December of the third Academic Year.

PA Program Out-of-State Estimated Expenses


Year 1

August 2024

July 2025

Year 2

August 2025

July 2026

Year 3

August 2026

December 2026

Total Tuition

Tuition (Out-of-State)






Deposit and Background Check





Books, Medical Equipment & Supplies, Laptop Computer & Printer









BLS/ACLS Certification










EOR Exams





EOC Exam










Professional Dues





Transportation (Auto Expenses, Class Travel)









Housing and Utilities










Misc. and Personal (Health Ins., clothing, other)









Total of Highlighted Expenses





Total Estimated Expenses & Tuition





Tuition Formula  
Semester 1: (18) $14,905.50 Semester 5: (16) $13,497.50*
Semester 2: (19) $15,609.50 Semester 6: (10) $ 8,910.00*
Semester 3: (12) $10,681.50 Semester 7: (10) $ 8,910.00*
Semester 4: (16) $13,497.50*

*Based on 2024-2025 Out-of-State Tuition Rates. This amount is subject to change.
**Students are REQUIRED to join AAPA and VAPA as student members. 

Please Note: The Didactic Phase (Classroom) starts in August and goes into the second Academic Year and ends in October of the following year. The Clinical Phase (Rotations) begins in November of the second Academic Year and ends in December of the third Academic Year.

Careers and Internships

Healthcare is considered one of the fastest-growing employment sectors in the U.S., with an estimated 2 million new positions (a 13% increase) projected between 2021 and 2031, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Learn more about a career as a physician assistant.

Opportunities for Physician Assistant students at Radford

Students have opportunities to participate in community service activities, such as for Habitat for Humanity and the Rescue Mission. The program sent the first group of students to a clinical rotation in Tanzania in June 2023.
  • Forward Focused

    Education in evidence-based medicine provides a relevant experience for lifelong professional learning

  • Interprofessionalism

    We provide our students with opportunities to interact and learn beside a broad range of healthcare providers. They are prepared to collaborate across specialties from the start of their careers.

  • High Student Satisfaction

    Our program is highly selective and our graduates have high pass rates on national board exam and excellent job placement.

During their lifetimes, most people will work in one profession. Some will have two different kinds of jobs. Frank Fleming, a graduate from the physician assistant (PA) program at Radford University Carilion (RUC) in Roanoke, VA is preparing for this third. While Fleming doesn’t anticipate a fourth career change in his life, he does know that one day, he may explore some of the other clinical areas where PAs practice outside of primary care.

“You can tell the personality of the program based on student-faculty relationships during interviews. RUC had great relationships between the students and faculty. It felt like a family with only 42 students in the program. After the interview, I felt strongly it would be a good fit for me.”

Whitney Hewitt ’21

Whitney Hewitt, class of 2021

We want to get to know you better and we are excited that you are ready to take your next step and learn more about us. We are here to help you and look forward to working with you during your college search process.