For all Financial Aid forms please make sure that you are using our preferred browser of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Please use the "Financial Aid Send Secure" button below to safely & securely send sensitive documents to Radford University Financial Aid.
Note: Some forms require a hand written signature(s) to be considered complete. Forms
submitted with typed signatures will not be accepted and will require you to resubmit
the form.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Radford University reviews a student’s completed and accepted FAFSA to determine eligibility for federal and state financial aid. Radford University’s priority FAFSA deadline is March 1st.
Virginia Transfer Grant Application
Students who are transferring to Radford University with their Associate's degree from a Virginia Community College may be eligible to receive the Virginia Transfer Grant. In order to be considered for this award, students must complete the Virginia Transfer Grant Application and submit a copy of their final transcripts showing they have received their Associate's degree from a Virginia Community College. Students must meet all criteria listed on the application in order to be considered. The application for transfer grant will not be reviewed until after the school's semester census date.
Educator's Degree/Employment Verification Request (Non-Degree Enrollment) [PDF]
This form may be submitted in lieu of an official transcript for an educator in the United States who is seeking approval for graduate non-degree enrollment. This form will also serve as an initial Request for Reduced Tuition Rate for Virginia Educators. Following your initial approval for enrollment, you will be required to submit the Request for Reduced Tuition Rate for Virginia Educators each academic year to maintain eligibility for this reduced rate.
Request for Reduced Tuition Rate for Virginia Educators (Degree-Seeking)
Full-time Virginia educators (K-12) can qualify to pay a reduced rate for Radford courses offered on and off campus. Radford University has implemented this policy as recognition of the importance for Virginia educators to enhance their professional knowledge and skills. Complete and submit the form linked above. to apply for the reduced tuition rate.
Learn more about the dual enrollment request process and priority deadlines for request forms.
Consortium Agreement Request [PDF]
This form is to be used by students who wish to have the hours that they are taking
at another institution counted with their Radford University hours for purposes of
financial aid eligibility. Students who take courses at another institution and have
the credit transferred back to Radford University must have this form completed by
their advisor.
Withdrawal from College Class(es) [PDF]
This form is used for dually enrolled students who wish to withdraw from a class(es)
that they are taking at another institution through a dual enrollment program.
Accepting Your Awards
Detailed instructions on how to accept your financial aid awards in OneCampus.
Bookstore Voucher Request
Is available prior to the start of each semester after e-bills are sent and through
noon on Friday the first week of class - Log into your OneCampus and click on the
Finances, and follow the link for the Bookstore Voucher Request.
Adjustment / Change of Hours
Use this form if hours are changed for any reason. This form is necessary in order
to adjust financial aid to fit new hours. You must put all hours of enrollment on
this form. Failure to complete this form could result in loss of financial aid.
New Student Deposit Waiver Application
New student: If you want to discuss the availability of a tuition/room deposit please contact
the Office of Admissions – or 540-831-5417 for additional information.
Non-degree - Teacher Certification Approval Form [PDF]
Students who are seeking only their initial teacher licensure can request a special review of their account to see if they could be eligible for financial aid.
Non-degree - Prerequisites Approval Form [PDF]
Students who are completing prerequisites for a degree program can request a special
review of their account to see if they could be eligible for financial aid.
Proof of Aid Cancelled Form [PDF]
Students who are returning or transfer students to RU and have had financial aid at
another institution in a previous semester should have this form completed by the
previous institution.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form
Use this form if you wish to appeal your denial of financial aid, please include the
requested letter as well as any supporting documentation to be reviewed.
These forms should be submitted by new student borrowers or have been requested to complete by the financial aid office.
Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note
All students that accept the Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loans that are offered
as a part of the Financial Aid package must complete a Master Promissory Note. This
is most easily completed online at; please contact the office to request a paper form.
Federal Direct Student Loan Entrance Counseling
All first time borrowers and any students who have changed schools must complete a
new entrance interview. This is most easily completed online at
Additional Direct Loan Request Form
This form should be submitted by the student when they wish to request additional
loan funds that they had previously declined. This form should also be submitted by
students whose parents have received a Parent PLUS denial.
Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling
All students that are no longer enrolled at least half time, are graduating, or who
have withdrawn from Radford are required to complete Exit Counseling. This is most
easily completed online at
Federal Direct PLUS Loan Request – Online Request
All parents wanting to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan are recommended to go online and
apply at It is recommended that this request not be completed more than 90 days prior to
the start of the school year.
Federal Direct PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note
Once your PLUS loan application has been approved you will need to go online to and complete the PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note; paper forms are available upon
request through the Dept of Education.
TEACH Grant Application
For student's who wish to have their eligibility reviewed for the Federal TEACH program.
Due to the specific award requirements we recommend you carefully read all the TEACH
Grant program information prior to submitting your application.
These forms should only be submitted if you have already completed an online Private Student Loan application with a lender.
Private Loan Financial Aid Information Sheet [PDF]
Must be submitted by all students who do not submit a FAFSA but are applying for an
Alternative/Private Education loan)
Private Loan Self Certification Form [PDF]
This form will be requested by your lender and should be submitted directly to them.
Special Circumstance Request Forms
Please note the cutoff date for submitting and having any special circumstance processed for fall term is October 1 and for Spring term is March 1.
Special Circumstance Inquiry Form (Qualtrics Form)
The student will be required to sign-in to OneCampus to submit the request.
Submit the inquiry form if a student wishes to have his/her file reviewed in order to include a significant change in the family situation not reflected on the FAFSA.
A financial aid team member will reach out regarding additional information required to complete the special circumstance review.
2024-2025 Projected Year Income Form [PDF]
This form is used in conjunction with the Special circumstances Request form. This
form is to be used to show the change in income for the 2024 year. This form will
be available after June 30, 2024.
The 2025-2026 Projected Year Income form will be available May 2025 for submission.
Cost of Attendance/Budget Increase Request
(Qualtrics Form)
This form is used if a student wishes to have his/her file reviewed in order to show a significant need to increase the Cost of Attendance Budget that has been set. This request will only allow us to review to increase your budget to allow room for additional loans and will not increase your grant eligibility.
Request to Add Computer Cost (Qualtrics Form)
Complete this form if you wish to increase your financial aid budget to include the
cost of a computer.
The federal government requires some students to verify the information reported on their FAFSA. Colleges are responsible for performing this verification and must do so before federal funds can be disbursed. Verification requirements apply to the following federal programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work Study (FWS) and Federal Direct Loans. Verification is also required for state and other need based aid programs.
Understanding Proof of Parent Marital Status
Often many dependent students that need to submit proof of their parent’s marital status for Verification of their FAFSA have questions as to what documentation is needed. Below we have listed the documentation needed to prove marital status for all official statuses listed on the FAFSA:
If your parents are married, or have been remarried please submit:
If your parents are divorced or separated, then please submit:
If your parent is single or never married:
If you have any questions about the information above please feel free to contact our office and we will gladly assist you.
Proof of Citizenship
Documents are requested to verify the citizenship or non-citizenship eligibility for financial aid.
Radford University specific forms for students enrolled in classes August 2024 - July 2025.
Please do not submit these forms to the Office of Financial Aid unless you have received an email request for a specific forms. Submission of these forms without a request can cause processing delays for your financial aid application.
Asset and Investment Net Worth Form [PDF]
This form is used to verify asset and investment information from the FAFSA.
Family Member Listing [PDF]
This form is used to verify the number of family members living in the household.
IRS Federal Tax Transcript [PDF]
This document will provide you with instructions on requesting an IRS Tax Transcript
for verification purposes.
Non-Filer Statement for Student [PDF]
(complete if student did not file taxes)
This form is used to replace tax returns for those students that did not file taxes. In the case of both the parent, and the student not having tax returns, a separate form must be filled out for each.
Non-Filer Statement for Parent [PDF]
(complete if parent did not file taxes)
This form is used to replace tax returns for those parents that did not file taxes.
In the case of both the parent, and the student not having tax returns, a separate
form must be filled out for each.
Parent Refusal to Complete the FAFSA Certification Form [PDF]
Use this form in the event that the parent of a dependent student refuses to fill
out the FAFSA and provide financial support to the student.
Statement of Educational Purpose/Identity Verification Form [PDF] This form is to be used only by the direction of the financial aid office. This is to verify the identity and educational purpose of individual students.