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Students are encouraged to take up to 6 hours of course work in COMS 499 — Communication Internship. Students earn 1 academic credit for every 40 hours worked at an internship site!

The COMS 499 course allows students to intern with professional media outlets, advertising and public relations agencies, corporations, nonprofits and governmental organizations, and local and regional businesses. Students are encouraged to seek interviews and complete for-experience internships (not for academic credit) during their early years in the School of Communication; students should interview to secure a for-credit internship closer to their senior year.  Ideally, the internship experience is a bridge between college course work and professional entry-level employment and not considered a promise of future employment. While enrolled in COMS 499, students document their hours, submit samples of their work to their faculty supervisor, participate in online discussions, and seek professional evaluations from their internship-job supervisors.

Prerequisites for Communication Internship (COMS 499) include:

  • Successful completion of 75 college credits
  • Good academic standing with 2.0 or higher GPA (in major and overall)
  • Successful completion of the writing course from the student’s concentration of study in the School of Communication
  • Instructor approval of the proposed internship site and tasks

Degree requirements are based upon the student’s concentration in the School of Communication:

  • Students in Advertising may register for 3 credits in COMS 499 OR may enroll in an additional 3 credits in COMS 483 (Advertising Campaigns)
  • Students in Public Relations are required to complete a minimum of 3 credits in COMS 499
  • Students in Communication Studies, Journalism, Media Production, and Web Design may enroll in COMS 499 for elective credits.

Students should consult with their academic adviser to plan the timing and number of credits needed in COMS 499, then contact the School of Communication Internship Coordinator, Kim Herbert.  Weekly Internship Information Sessions are held during the first 8 weeks of each fall and spring semester. Students planning to intern during the fall semester should contact Kim Herbert during mid- to late summer for more information.