What is a Quality Enhancement Plan?
A QEP is a requirement of Radford University’s accrediting body, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The QEP shows Radford University’s commitment to quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue that we consider important to improving student learning outcomes and/or student success. Once completed, the plan is submitted to SACSCOC for feedback and a determination of compliance or non-compliance with the standards before implementation.
What is Radford’s QEP?
The RISE QEP will enhance student success for all students. Implementation of student-centered teaching practices will increase students’ sense of belonging leading to an increase in student success in required entry level courses.
Why did we choose this topic?
Who developed the RISE QEP?
The 5-year plan was developed by a large committee of students, faculty, and staff.
What are the RISE QEP’s goals?
How will the RISE QEP achieve its goals?
Run by a director, an educational developer, an assessment director, and an advisory
board, RISE will seek to accomplish these goals through two main components.
All parts of the plan from the faculty institute to the classroom to the R-CATs will be regularly assessed to identify strengths and weaknesses and ensure continuous improvement in student success.
When does the RISE QEP start?
The Faculty Institute will begin forming the first cohort of faculty in Spring 2023. The Institute will begin in Spring 2024. The R-CATs will be formed in Spring 2023 with activities to begin in Fall 2023.
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