To make an appointment, please call 540-831-5111. Making an appointment is the most effective way to see a healthcare provider. Please do not request appointments for urgent/same day needs via my chart, a phone call to schedule is preferred for these appointments as my chart messages including appointment requests may take up to 72 hours for a response.
If you are a Radford University at Carilion Student (Roanoke, VA) you may call our office for assistance navigating care, ask medical advice, request TB testing, request an in person appointment at our office located on the main campus in Radford or request a telehealth appointment.
If you are a current patient of Carilion Clinic or Student Health you can request a via MyChart. If you are a new patient you must see a Carilion Clinic or Student Health provider first.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time for your check in process which includes filling out any necessary forms. If you are unable to keep this appointment, please call within one hour to cancel: 540-831-5111. If you are an active user of MyChart, the e check in process is not necessary as you will still be requested to complete paper in take forms upon check-in.