Radford University is pursuing net zero carbon emissions by 2040, with an interim target of a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below the 2019 level by 2030.
Radford University conducts an annual inventory of its greenhouse gas emissions. The process collects data about emissions sources related to university operations and calculates the association between these operations and greenhouse gas emissions.
The data included in the inventory is the most up-to-date and accurate information available and provides a comprehensive snapshot of the University’s greenhouse gas emissions, or carbon footprint.
In FY2022, Radford University’s estimated net greenhouse gas emissions totaled 37,845.61 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e).
Total Emissions during FY2022 are less than the 2010 Greenhouse Gas Inventory “Business As Usual” projection for total emissions in 2022.
Buildings are the primary consumer of electricity and steam on the Radford University campus. Together and combined with Transmission & Distribution Losses, these account for nearly 80% of the University’s total emissions. Since 2010, the gross square footage of total building space has increased 423,541 square feet, a 14% increase. Since 2016, much of this new building space is “energy intensive” space in laboratories in Center for the Sciences (115,000 square feet) and the College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences (143,600 square feet), and in FY 2019, the addition of 77,660 square feet of off-campus apartment space.
In 2010, net greenhouse gas emissions per 1000 gross square feet was 14.04 MTCO2e, as compared to 12.34 MTCO2e in 2022, a 12% decrease.
Emissions sources can be categorized based on their origin and are referred to as Scopes 1, 2, and 3. Scope 1 emissions are produced on campus and are directly related to operations. This includes on-campus steam production, mobile fuel usage, refrigerants, and fertilizers. Scope 2 refers to off-campus emissions sources that are directly linked to campus operations, primarily purchased electricity. Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions linked to university activities. These emissions include university travel, solid waste disposal, water treatment, and employee and student commuting.