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Message from the Department Chair

The study of mathematics and statistics in our department is an exciting activity that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

We offer exciting and established programs leading to a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree. Concentrations in applied mathematics, statistics, and teaching licensure are available. Depending upon the particular concentration, students are prepared for a career in industry, government, or education. The faculty includes specialists in applied mathematics, pure mathematics, mathematics education, and statistics. Classes for majors are moderate in size. Faculty members are very interested in the progress of their students and encourage them to seek their help outside of class.

Employment opportunities in mathematics and statistics are excellent with demand for graduates in all of the mathematical sciences expected to remain high. Appropriate mathematical and statistical software and technology are integrated throughout our curriculum. In addition, Radford University provides extensive state of the art computing resources available to all departmental majors. Extracurricular opportunities include membership in the mathematics honorary Kappa Mu Epsilon and the Math and Stat Club which sponsors academic discussions and activities as well as social events. Social events include frequent student challenges to teach the faculty how to shoot pool, bowl, play ball, and yearn for younger days.

Please contact us if you have questions about any of the information. We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you.

Neil Sigmon, Ph.D., Chair