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Careers in Dentistry

Dentists may practice general dentistry or specialize in the following options: Prosthodontics, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Dental Public Health, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

How to Stand Out

  • Find your why: While it's great to be driven by helping others, Dental Schools will want to know your deeper motivations for pursuing dentistry.  
  • Be an active participant in your community: Before you apply to dental school, you should have multiple volunteer experiences that contribute to your community.  
  • Do well in school: Dental school prerequisite courses might be the most interesting classes to you, but it is important to stay motivated and do well in all coursework. A higher GPA will increase your competitiveness in dental school applications.  

Pre-Dental Checklist

  • Diverse extracurricular involvement
  • High GPA
  • High DAT score
  • Excellent letters of recommendation
  • Strong personal statement

Radford University helped me feel prepared for dental school from the time I started my first class. My knowledge was constantly put to the test and pushed me to higher and higher levels each and every day. With that, the faculty was always willing to lend a helping hand and help you reach those higher expectations they had for you. One specific course that gave me an advantage in dental school was my anatomy course. Many of my dental school classmates had never had the opportunity to gain experience working with cadavers. I was able to walk into the cadaver lab in dental school comfortable and confident working with cadavers from the start. While my knowledge increased exponentially working with cadavers in dental school, it was a huge advantage to have the prior experience at Radford.

Aside from classes, being part of the pre0-dental club was one of the best things that could have prepared me for the journey into dental school. I had the opportunity to take a few weekend trips with the pre-dental club and visit a couple dental schools to gain hands0on experience as well as advise from many different perspectives at different schools. I was able to talk to dental students at the time and gained their perspective on how to best be prepared for getting into and succeeding in dental school. This helped me feel more prepared and ready to tackle the challenge of applying to dental school. When I say tackle, I truly mean tackle because it is a lot and it will feel overwhelming, but the best thing about Radford is the faculty is on your side and willing to do absolutely whatever they can to help you along the way. From recommendation letters to words of encouragement to class experiences, Radford University will help you feel prepared for applying for dental school as well as starting dental school. I am now in dental school at West Virginia University, and if I could give one piece of advice, it would be to take advantage of the pre-dental club and visit dental schools. Take advantage of being able to visit schools before applying because if you are like me, it will make you that much more excited to start the journey.

Madison Hull Smith, Radford University graduate