The Radford University Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is committed to the welfare of its community and to preserving the institution. Proper planning for emergencies is essential to minimizing the impact of an incident on the University facilities and operations. To ensure the University can continue to fulfill its mission in the event of a disaster, the OEM is responsible for developing and maintaining planning programs designed to encourage readiness beginning at the lowest operational level.
If you have questions about any of the University emergency plans, please contact us at 540-831-6696 or
Radford University is vulnerable to a variety of hazards such as flash flooding, river flooding, hurricanes, winter storms, tornadoes, hazardous materials transportation incident (rail and vehicular), resource shortages, infectious disease, and terrorism. The University is also vulnerable to technological incidents such as power outages and human-caused hazards such as a cyber-attack. To respond effectively to any emergency of a size or complexity beyond routine response systems, it is critical that all Radford University faculty, staff, and students; City of Radford public officials; regional, city; and state departments and agencies; and non-governmental emergency organizations understand their roles and responsibilities. These non-routine responsibilities begin as the incident is recognized and response ensues. These responsibilities become particularly important as command organizes beyond the initial reactive phase of first responders.
To address these hazards, Radford University developed this Crisis and Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), formerly known as the Emergency Operation Plan. The CEMP provides the University with flexible, scalable, “all-hazards” guidance, which is applicable to all phases of emergency management. The CEMP is compatible with the National Response Framework and provides the structure for coordinating with local jurisdictions and external emergency response agencies. Companion documents to the CEMP include, but are not limited to, departmental/university-wide Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs) and the Radford University Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). Each of these documents are distinct, complementary plans that together provide a foundation for Radford University’s approach to emergency management. In concert with companion plans, exercises, training, and outreach, the CEMP substantially enhances Radford University’s capabilities to prepare for, respond to, recover from, prevent, and mitigate against all hazards. A component of the Radford University’s emergency management program, the CEMP also assists in continuing to build a culture of preparedness and resiliency throughout the University community.
Radford University Crisis and Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) provides all-hazard guidance intended to preserve life, protect property, and contain an incident, emergency, or event on campus in order to continue the University’s mission. The CEMP establishes incident organization to direct and control operations by assigning broad responsibilities to specific entities for disaster mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. These responsibilities are generally extensions of normal, day-to-day functions involving the same resources. The CEMP also provides the framework within which more detailed emergency plans and procedures can be developed and maintained. This plan does not supersede or replace the procedures for safety, hazardous materials response, or other procedures that are already in place. Rather, it supplements those procedures with an organizational structure that provides for the immediate focus of management on response operations and the early transition to recovery operations. The CEMP is based on the situation, risk assessment, capability assessment, mitigation overview, and planning assumptions presented in this section.
For questions or comments regarding the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at 540-831-6696 or
The Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) provides the framework for how Radford University will continue operations and perform mission essential functions (MEFs) and associated business functions in the event of an incident, emergency or other event that disrupts normal operations. This plan establishes the University's procedures for addressing three types of short-term or extended disruptions that could occur individually or in any combination:
The COOP is not an emergency response plan. It is a recovery plan that works as a companion plan with the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan and the IT Disaster Recovery Plan. This plan encompasses the magnitude of operations and services performed by the institution, and is tailored to the institutions unique operations and MEFs. This plan was developed through a formal planning process involving institutional stakeholders and is compliant with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) Continuity Plan Template as required in Executive Order #41 (2019).
For questions regarding the Radford University Continuity of Operations Plan, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at 540-831-6696 or
This plan represents the first in a series of proactive steps on the part of Radford University to reduce the impact of disasters and avoid potential losses and disruption. The plan will help guide the campus in making better land use and development decisions for new buildings, facilities, and utilities, as well as in the renovation of existing buildings and developments.
The Radford University Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies the hazards that may affect the University and assesses campus buildings’ vulnerability to these hazards. Mitigation strategies have been developed and prioritized to address the vulnerabilities identified in the plan. The plan also includes an assessment of the University’s existing capabilities to implement a hazard mitigation plan. The plan concludes with implementation and maintenance procedures.
The 2020 update to the Radford University's Hazard Mitigation Plan has been adopted by the University and approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
In continuing to review and update plans, Radford University will formally join the New River Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan that is currently being drafted for adoption in 2025. As part of the plan development, The New River Valley Regional Commission is seeking community input to develop mitigation plans for future natural and human-caused disaster hazards in our region.
Learn more and give your feedback on this project by visiting Hazard Mitigation Plan | EngageNRV. For specific questions regarding the Hazard Mitigation Plan being developed by the New River Valley Regional Commission, please contact New River Valley Regional Commission Senior Planner, Christy Straight at 540-639-9313 (ext. 209).
For questions or comments regarding the Radford University Hazard Mitigation Plan, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at 540-831-6696 or
The Radford University Office of Emergency Management Strategic Plan 2020-2024 details strategic goals over a five-year period, which drive forward both the emergency management program, as well as, the department. Each of the high-level goals is supported through one or more objectives providing depth and context for the planned approach. The Office of Emergency Management seeks to continue enhancing, and further develop university resiliency and preparedness through strategic programmatic efforts. While the Office of Emergency Management will lead these efforts, accomplishing these goals will require internal collaboration with university partners, and external collaboration with key stakeholders. Furthermore, this multi-year strategy advances programs and projects intended to increase the Office of Emergency Management’s capacity and capabilities thereby improving quality of service and experience for the Radford University Community.
The specific goals and objectives set forth within this plan consider programmatic development of the University at a specific point in time. Higher-education institutions are dynamic, this plan or related programs may be altered to address the immediate needs of the University. The Office of Emergency Management will review this plan annually within the context of the current operating environment; change to the strategies identified will be updated through annual progress reports. This strategic plan establishes a series of programmatic baselines from which to identify opportunities to increase programmatic functionality through considered long-term strategies.
For questions regarding the OEM Strategic Plan, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at 540-831-6696 or
Not every special event runs as scheduled. Some incidents occur that are beyond our control. To ensure the safety of our campus community and visitors, each of us has the responsibility to protect and minimize the efforts of an emergency at our planned events. Planning for the potential risks and hazards associated with a special event is essential to the event's success.
In order to assist with the event's success, the Office of Emergency Management can work with event organizers to develop a Special Event Emergency Plan (SEEP). A SEEP is a formal written plan, developed by the event organizers, that identifies potential emergency conditions at the event site and prescribes the procedures to be followed to minimize risk and prevent loss of life and property. Every SEEP must be tailored to site-specific conditions and to the requirements of the agency/organization that owns or regulates the event site.
A SEEP may include components such as:
To create a Special Event Emergency Plan, contact the Office of Emergency Management for assistance at or call 540-831-6696.
Hosting an event outdoors? The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) can provide daily weather briefings leading up to the event day and direct weather support the day of the event. All requests will be reviewed upon submission to ensure the availability and feasibility to provide support for your event. Any questions, please contact OEM at or 540-831-6696.
To submit a request, please complete the Event Weather Support Request form.