2024 Cierra Reed
Capstone: "Microplastics Analysis in the Appalachian Wilderness”
Major: Biology
Mentor: Jason Davis and Sarah Foltz
2023 Victoria Pate
Capstone: "Evaluation of Blunt Force Trauma Mechanism Interpretations Inferred From
Skeletal Fracture Morphology and Patterning”
Major: Anthropological Sciences
Mentor: Donna Boyd
2022 Courtney Streeby
Capstone: "What’s in Your Wallet? A Survey of Federal Prosecution of Credit Card Schemes
in Virginia and How Businesses Respond to the Challenge”
Major: Accounting
Mentor: Robert Warren
2021 Hannah White
Capstone: “Engaging for Donations: How Nonprofit Organizations Survive in the Political
Major: Communication
Mentor: John Brummette and Lisa Baker-Webster
2020 Rachel Steffen
Capstone: “Marimba and the Body: An Objectivist Self-Study”
Major: Music Therapy
Mentor: Lauren DiMaio
2019 McKenzie Schrank
Capstone: “Leishmaniasis Through the Lens of the Host”
Major: Anthropological Sciences and Biology
Mentor: Jason Davis
2018 Nicole Diambra
Capstone: "How Dance Travels: A Study of Dance, Culture and Tourism"
Major: Dance and Recreation, Parks, & Tourism
Mentor: Amy VanKirk and Jason Davis
2017 Rachel Jones
Capstone: "Waking Up With A Nightmare: A Literature Review of Emergence Delirium in
Military Personnel with Preexisting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"
Major: Nursing
Mentor: Suellen Miller
2016 Zachary King
Capstone: "Analysis of the Operational Efficiency of Attendance Tracking at the Tyson
Foods Inc. Glen Allen Poultry Processing Facility"
Major: Management
Mentor: Hooshang M. Beheshti
2015 Ashley Light
Capstone: "Telling Stories: Phonological Awareness Intervention, Final Consonant Deletion
and Past Tense Marking"
Majors: Communication Science and Disorders, Psychology
Mentor: Karen Arndt