Membership in the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) is mandatory for full-time classified staff. A/P and T/R Faculty members may elect to participate in the VRS or an Optional Retirement Plan and have 60 days from the date of hire to make an election. The Optional Retirement Plan for Higher Education (ORPHE) is sponsored by the Virginia Retirement System (VRS).
For additional information, review retirement plan details and options at the VRS Members website. Please contact the Benefits Department. with any questions or concerns. Counseling is available to assist you in making a plan election.
The VRS Hybrid Retirement Plan combines the features of a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan. The plan will apply to most full-time classified staff hired on or after January 1, 2014, with no prior state service.
You are a state employee, school division employee or a general employee of a participating political subdivision and were hired or rehired before July 1, 2010, and were vested as of January 1, 2013 and have not taken a refund.
About VRS Plan 1 | VRS Website
You are a state employee, school division employee or a general employee of a participating political subdivision and were hired or rehired from July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 and have not taken a refund before July 1, 2010, and were not vested as of January 1, 2013 and have not taken a refund.
You are eligible for the ORPHE Plan 1 if your retirement plan coverage date is before July 1, 2010. You are in the ORPHE Plan 2 if your retirement plan coverage date is July 1, 2010 or later. Participation in the VRS defined benefit plan or the defined contribution ORP is irrevocable once an election is made.
A campus police officer is covered under Plan 1 if your membership date is prior to July 1, 2010, and you were vested before January 1, 2013, and have not taken a refund.
A campus police officer is covered under Plan 2 if your membership date is on or after July 1, 2010, or before July 1, 2010 and you were not vested (you had less than five years of service credit) as of January 1, 2013.
The University also offers eligible employees access to additional voluntary supplemental retirement plans and deferred compensation plans to enhance their retirement goals and plans. For additional information, please contact the Benefits Department.
The University makes payroll deductions for tax-deferred annuities with TIAA as the 403b provider. For more information on the plan, to create an account or find information on enrollment, go to our Radford University TIAA site.
No matter where you re in life, a virtual session with a TIAA financial consultant can help you ensure you re on the right track to meet your retirement and financial goals. Scheduling a TIAA appointment is easy! Register for a day and time that works best for you schedule with the TIAA - Consultations-At Your Workplace online appointment registration. Or, call TIAA at 800-732-8353. Timothy Davis, our TIAA financial consultant, is available for one-on-one sessions as well. View specific session dates and times.
Newly hired and re-hired state employees are eligible to enroll in the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan with a minimum contribution of $10 per pay period. Employees may enroll online at; select Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan under the Defined Contribution Plans tab or enroll by calling 1-VRS-DC-PLAN (1-877-327-5261), Option 1. The employee pays an annual administrative fee. VRS Plan 1 and Plan 2 members may be auto-enrolled in the 457 with a $20 per pay period employee contribution and receive an employer-paid $10 per pay period cash match. Employees auto-enrolled, who do not wish to participate in the 457 plan, must call 1-877-327-5261 in order to opt-out of the plan.
Each month, VRS Education Specialist conduct online Regional Meetings that are focused on three topics:
Register today for an online Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Regional Education Meeting or a virtual one-on-one with your Defined Contribution Plans Retirement Specialists.
VRS 457 and Cash Match Plans Overview
What is a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan? How about a Cash Match 401(a) Plan? Learn
about how these plans help you build your retirement future.
VRS Plan Investments
Do you find investing confusing? Learn about asset classes, diversification and the three investment paths available to you.
VRS 457 and Cash Match Distribution Options
Retirement on the horizon? Understand the various distribution requirements and options under your 457 and 401(a) plans.
One-on-one Appointment
Need assistance? Sign up for a 30-minute virtual one-on-one with a Defined Contribution Plans Retirement Specialist.
Eligible employees who make a contribution to a 403b tax-deferred annuity or the 457 deferred compensation plan are eligible to participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Cash Match Plan. Employees must have an account with one of the approved plan providers in order to receive a cash match contribution. Employees will receive each pay period, the lesser of $20, or 50% of the employee’s contribution amount. Employees may receive a cash match contribution to one plan only. Employees enrolled in both a 457 and a 403b may elect which plan to receive the cash match contribution. Employees enrolled the VRS Hybrid Retirement Plan must make the maximum 4% voluntary contribution to the defined contribution component of the plan in order to receive a match on contributions to your employer 457 or 403(b) plans
The organization's objectives are to serve Radford University in achieving its mission, to provide social and educational programs to retired faculty and staff, and to promote their continued involvement in the life of the Radford University community. Events and information of interest to RARE members will be posted to this site as updates are provided by the RARE executive board. This service is provided as a service to RARE and is not endorsed by Radford University.