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Educational Programming

Students are likely going to encounter situations on campus where bystander intervention would be appropriate. These situations range in type (e.g. pressuring someone to drink, using offensive language) and can even be dangerous (e.g. sexual assault, physical violence). This program provides students with knowledge and decision-making skills to encourage effective bystander intervention and prevent harm.

 This program covers:

  • Guidance and decision-making skills to intervene in a safe and effective manner when students witness harmful situations or problematic behavior
  • Potential barriers to intervention and strategies for navigating them
  • Example scenarios
  • Confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions
  • Brief pre- and post-program knowledge assessment (for program evaluation purposes)

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs.

CW// Sexual Assault*

*Step UP! Bystander Intervention (General) briefly covers sexual assault as one form of violence for which bystander intervention can be utilized as a prevention strategy. Please refer to Step Up! Bystander Intervention (Sexual Assault) for a bystander intervention program specific to sexual assault prevention.

Students are the most common primary witnesses to campus sexual assault and the events that precede it. This program provides students with the knowledge and decision-making skills to intervene before a sexual assault occurs, or effectively respond if they witness this form of violence.

This program covers:

  • Guidance and decision-making skills to intervene in a safe and effective manner when a student witnesses a situation that could lead to a sexual assault
  • Potential barriers to intervention and strategies for navigating them
  • Guidance on responding if a student witnesses a sexual assault and supporting a survivor
  • The basics of consent
  • Example scenarios
  • Confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions
  • Brief pre- and post-program knowledge assessment (for program evaluation purposes)

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs. 

You can’t have sex without consent. This program provides students with the knowledge and communication skills necessary to navigate consensual sexual encounters. This program frames consent comprehension as a baseline requirement to prevent sexual violence, but also as a way to achieve positive, fun, and pleasurable sexual experiences.

This program covers:

  • Radford University’s definition of consent, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation
  • Factors that can impact someone’s ability to consent (e.g. alcohol, power dynamics)
  • Gender expectations, culture, and attitudes that influence how students navigate sexual encounters
  • Other sexual scenarios and acts (in addition to sexual intercourse) for which someone would need to obtain consent
  • How to ask for consent
  • Brief bystander intervention guidance if a student witnesses a situation in which there is a risk of sexual assault
  • Example scenarios
  • Confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions
  • Brief pre- and post-program knowledge assessment (for program evaluation purposes)

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs. 

Intimate relationships can be a positive and exciting part of a student’s college experience. However, 1 in 10 students who have been in a partnered relationship report experiencing relationship violence while in school. This program discusses the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, as well as the warning signs of an abusive/violent relationship and provides student with guidance on how to best support survivors.

This program covers:

  • Characteristics of healthy relationships
  • Characteristics of unhealthy relationships and “red flags”
  • Radford University’s definition of domestic violence (also referred to as relationship violence, dating violence, intimate partner violence, domestic abuse)
  • Warning signs of relationship violence
  • How to support someone who is in or attempting to leave a violent/abusive relationship
  • Example scenarios
  • Confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions
  • Brief pre- and post-program knowledge assessment (for program evaluation purposes)

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs. 

Over 15% of students report experiencing at least one type of stalking behavior while in college, and frequently report perpetration by a current or former intimate partner. This program examines stalking behaviors and provides students with guidance on what to do if they are - or know someone who is - a victim of stalking.

This program covers:

  • Radford University’s definition of stalking
  • Cyberstalking
  • Intimate Partner Stalking
  • Examples of stalking behaviors
  • Challenges to identifying stalking behaviors
  • The connection between stalking and other violent behaviors
  • What to do if you or someone you know is a victim of stalking or suspects stalking
  • Example scenarios
  • Confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions
  • Brief pre- and post-program knowledge assessment (for program evaluation purposes)

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs. 

70% of adults in the U.S. – 223.4 million people – have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. Adverse Childhood Studies show that many of these traumas occur before age 18 and result in disrupted brain development, adoption of at-risk health behaviors, and increased risk for disease, disability, and social problems in children and adults. The Center for Disease Control recognizes this epidemic requires a public health response at national, state, and local levels. Evidence shows that implementing trauma-informed practices within all human services systems impacting youth, adults, and their families, empowers individuals to build their resilience and enhance their overall health and well-being. In response to this public health issue, we are working towards building a trauma-informed campus community. This training discusses the basic principles of the impact of trauma and the responsibility we all hold in building individual and community resilience.

This training covers:

  • Definition of trauma
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact
  • How trauma impacts the brain
  • Related resiliency skills
  • Resisting re-traumatization
  • Community resilience

This training includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions

The maximum (and recommended) time required for this program is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The minimum time required is 1 hour. 

This program examines alcohol and other substance use among students through a harm reduction lens. It also discusses stress management and how to support a student in distress. There is a student-athlete version available, with content tailored to address stressors specific to this population. Please specify if you would like the student-athlete version in your Program Request Form.

This program covers:

  • Programs and services provided by both SAVES and Student Counseling
  • Alcohol use and its impact on athletic performance and general health
  • Precautions to take when consuming alcohol
  • Signs of alcohol poisoning and how to help someone with alcohol poisoning
  • Health impacts of vaping and e-cigarettes, nicotine, smokeless tobacco, marijuana, and prescription drug misuse
  • How to manage stress
  • How to support someone in distress
  • Additional resources available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs.

This program is designed to decrease stigma and enhance intervention skills around substance use disorder and recovery.

This program covers:

  • The basic science of addiction and recovery
  • The role of allies in recovery
  • How to become a recovery-ready campus
  • Resources available to students

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions

The maximum time required for this program is 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Substance and Violence Education Support – there is a lot going on there! This presentation discusses the variety of programs and services SAVES provides as well as opportunities for students to get involved.

This program covers:

  • Advocacy, counseling, consultations, and other confidential services provided by SAVES staff
  • Support groups available to students who are survivors of sexual violence and students interested in exploring their relationship with substance use and/or wellness
  • Educational programming available to students, faculty, and staff (as listed on this page)

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Q&A

The maximum time required for this program is 45 minutes - content and length can be tailored to meet your group’s specific needs. 

REVIVE! is the opioid overdose and naloxone education program for the Commonwealth of Virginia. This training provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of naloxone (Narcan®).  This training is open to students, faculty, staff, and community members interested in learning how to respond to an opioid overdose and potentially save a life.

This program covers:

  • The impact of the opioid crisis in Virginia
  • The signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose
  • How to administer naloxone (Narcan®) effectively
  • Legal protections for those who assist in an overdose situation

This program includes:

  • Presentation
  • Full-group discussions
  • Q&A

 The maximum time required for this training is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The minimum time required is 1 hour.