Student Involvement provides numerous spaces for reservations and encourages individuals to contact the office for a comprehensive overview of event space offerings.
Below are the contacts for space reservations in the respective locations.
Bondurant Auditorium (Preston Hall)Scheduling Officescheduling@radford.edu540-831-7000
For technical inquiries contact:Ryan Grossrgross10@radford.edu540-831-5908
Student Recreation and Wellness CenterKim Aspelmeierkjaspelme@radford.edu540-831-5297
Game Room (Bonnie Student Center/Hurlburt Hall)Radford University groups contact:Doug Meadrmead@radford.edu540-831-5588
Off campus groups:Currently not accepting requests for reservations.
Please provide a 24 hour notice for Game Room reservations.
For all other campus spacesScheduling Officescheduling@radford.edu540-831-7000