Auditions for our fall productions will take place within the first day or so of the fall semester. Details will be announced closer to that time.
Who: Anyone and Everyone (non-majors included!) who has an interest in telling stories, gaining new experiences, and being part of student-directed shows! There are no major requirements and 32 roles to fill, so bring a friend and come explore something brand new to you (and us).
When: Auditions are Sunday, March 2, from 2 p.m. to roughly 6 p.m. Arrive as soon as your schedule allows! The more time we can see you the better we get to know you as an actor.
Where: Artist Center Black Box Studio (239 Artis Center).
What: Please prepare by reading the plays! These can be acquired by emailing the directors (see list below). The audition will consist of readings from the scripts, which will be provided.
Please contact with additional questions.