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Teacher Education Program

Your senior year is devoted to professional education classes. A prerequisite for these courses is admission to the Teacher Education Program, which includes passing the Praxis II. The Fall semester classes are known as “the block" and are as follows:

  • EDUC 440 – Teaching Grades 6-12
  • EDUC 441 – Field Experience for Grades 6-12
  • EDRD 416 – Content Reading and Literacy
  • EDSP 404 – Introduction to Special Education for Secondary Educators
  • EDET 445 – Integration of Educational Technology

These classes include 12 hours per week of observation in middle and high schools in the Radford City and Montgomery County public school systems. Students may also request placement in Carroll County, Roanoke County, or Roanoke City schools.

The Spring semester is devoted to the student teaching experience, which is listed as the classes:

  • EDUC 442 – Teaching Grades 9-12
  • EDUC 452 – Student Teaching 9-12

Typically, placement will be with a high school in Radford City or Montgomery County public school systems, unless otherwise requested. Students will typically not be placed in the school systems from which they graduated.