Managing performance is a continuous process of timely and effective communication between managers, supervisors, and employees. Radford University supports and is committed to an annual performance management process to foster the development of each person and to help the individual employee be successful in his/her work assignment as well as to accomplish the University’s mission and goals. Performance management aids the individual employee with communication and understanding expectations on a regular basis, and it provides ongoing, timely, and descriptive, informal, and formal feedback. The process should promote motivating employees to perform their best and should be conducted with fairness and transparency.
Performance Management is year-round and begins with performance planning, continues with counseling, mentoring, and ends with the performance evaluation. The Performance Plan and the Performance Evaluation are created using the PeopleAdmin system, search 'PeopleAdmin' on the OneCampus portal.
Primary Performance management Contact: Jenene Lewis | | 540-831-7286
The reviewer is normally the supervisor of the person performing the evaluation. In some departments, there may be one reviewer for the entire department.
Handling Evaluation Appeals
Employees are encouraged to seek assistance with performance and clarify their responsibilities through ongoing conversations with supervisors. Employees are also encouraged to do a self-evaluation which helps them assess strengths and weaknesses. They should actively participate in their performance appraisal discussions and provide feedback to supervisors about their performance. Employees will acknowledge their performance plan as well as their performance evaluation in the PeopleAdmin system in their OneCampus portal.
All full-time classified and probationary employees must have a performance plan.
During this phase of the process, employees and supervisors work in conjunction with each other to develop a performance plan that aligns the efforts of supervisors and employees with departmental and university goals.
Together the supervisor and employee will:
Each October, employees are asked to develop a new performance plan that outlines goals and objectives for the coming year. The plans are created using the PeopleAdmin system in your OneCampus portal. New performance plans should be finalized by mid-November of each year.
Newly hired/rehired employees or those moving from one position to another will need a performance plan completed within 30 days of the hire or transfer.
Continuous coaching and feedback occur throughout the performance period. During the performance period, the supervisor and employee should regularly discuss work progress, new assignments, changes in procedures, etc. During these discussions, the supervisor has an opportunity to provide constructive feedback and direction to the employee.
Employee Relations is available to assist employees and supervisors when any part of the Performance Management process is not working well.
If the performance needs improvement during the year and training and development would be beneficial, ensure that the employee be allowed the opportunity to participate.
If the individual is having performance issues and does not improve after discussions, please contact Employee Relations for consultation.
For Classified and A/P employees there is a choice of five ratings:
Classified Employees
All full-time operational and classified employees who have completed their probationary periods are required to participate in this process
Probationary Employees
Once the meeting has been concluded, the employee will acknowledge and send the evaluation back to the supervisor. The supervisor will check the evaluation to ensure the employee acknowledged the evaluation and send the evaluation to HR via the online system.
Supervisors must have consulted with Employee Relations before the issuance of a Fails to Meet Expectations rating to an employee. An employee who receives a rating of Fails to Meet Expectations must be re-evaluated and have a performance re-evaluation plan developed as outlined below:
Within 10 workdays of the evaluation meeting during which the employee received the annual rating, the employee's supervisor must develop a performance re-evaluation plan that sets forth performance measures for the following three (3) months, and have it approved by the reviewer.
NOTE: Regardless of the employee’s movement to another position during this re-evaluation period, the employee will not be eligible for a performance increase.
Three (3) Month Re-Evaluation
The employee must be re-evaluated within approximately two weeks prior to the end of the three (3)-month period. If an employee is absent for more than 14 consecutive days during the three (3)-month re-evaluation period, the period will be extended by the total number of days of absence, including the first 14 days. If the employee receives a re-evaluation rating of “Fails to Meet Expectations,” the supervisor shall demote, reassign, or terminate the employee by the end of the three (3)-month re-evaluation period.
The re-evaluation process does not prevent disciplinary action being taken based on the employee’s poor performance or other reasons stipulated in Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct, or issuing additional Improvement Needed/Substandard Performance forms.
If an employee disagrees with an evaluation and cannot resolve the disagreement with the supervisor, the employee may appeal in writing to the reviewer within 10 workdays of the initial performance meeting for another review of the evaluation.
The reviewer should discuss an employee’s appeal with the supervisor and employee. After discussion of the appeal, the reviewer should provide the employee with a written response within five (5) workdays of receiving it.
The response should indicate one of the following:
PeopleAdmin Landing Page Changes
Logging in to your Performance Management Portal
Completing the Performance Plan for the Classified Employee
Completing the Performance Plan for the AP Employee
Classified-Probationary Twelve Month ReviewClassified-Probationary Six Month Review
Classified-Self Evaluation
AP-Self Evaluation
Classified Evaluation Completed by Supervisor
AP Evaluation Completed by Supervisor